jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


➤ Quin sexe ets?

⏭ Home   ⏮ Dona

➤ T'agradaria anar a Londres?
⏭ Si         ⏭ No

➤ Quants dies t'agradaria estar ?

⏭ 5 dies       ⏭ 1 setmana

➤ Quin museu preferixes anar a visitar?

⏭ British museum   ⏭ Madame Tussauds

➤ T'agradaria anar en un musical ?

⏭ Si       ⏭No

➤  Amb una sol adjectiu descriu com es Londres ?


➤ T'agradaria anar al centre comercial ( Harrods) ?
⏭  Si    ⏭ No

➤ T'agradaria anar a fer un passeig en barca pel riu Tàmesis ?

⏭ Si      ⏭ No

➤ Creus que pots viatjar a Londres sense saber anglès?

⏭Si        ⏮ No          ⏭ Depén

➤ Quina època creus que és la millor per viatjar a Londres?  


➤ London bridge o tower bridge?

⏭London bridge      ⏭ Tower bridge

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016


We will like visit :

- London eye :  Its a ferrie wheel, it has got 135m  of height, where you can watch the views of london , its situate on South Bank". Its price is 21,90. 

- Big ben :  is a one symbols more famous of London, clock tower its situation is on north-east of  palace Westminister . its price is 24,19 € approximately.

-Piccadilly Circus : It is the zone more know for tourist, There are announcment board
at large, in front of there are a small square with statue's  Eros. Piccadilly is situate in center city. Its free. 

- The Natural History Museum :Is incredible museum , there are many history objects , its situate in street  of street Exhibition Road, its free.  

-Madame Tussauds : It is the wax museum, where there are the most recognized, from royalty to the boy-bands / soloists. Located in "Marylebone street." The tickets cost € 26.90

- Tower Bridge : It is a bridge that crosses the River Thames is a suspension bridge, drawbridge and road. Located near the Tower of London. The price is € 24.19

- Palace  de buckingham ( canvi de guàrdia ) :  It is the official residence of the British monarch in London. Also used for official ceremonies, state visits and sightseeing. The entrance is free.

- Oxford Street: It is a street in London, within the City of Westminster. With more than 300 shops, is one of the most famous shopping streets in the world is free.

- British Mueseu : One of the most important and most visited museums in the world. Their collections deal with subjects such as history, archeology, ethnography and art. The entrance is free.

- Chinatown :Is the London Chinatown and Soho is located in the City of Westminster. It occupies the area in and around Gerrard Street and is free.

- Saint Paul's Cathedral
It's Anglican Cathedral in London, belonging to the so-called Church of England. It is in Ludgate Hill, the highest point of the city and costs € 22.60

- Harrods :  is a large shopping center that is located on Brompton Road, Knightsbridge neighborhood in the center of the city and free.

-Royal albert hall : is a concert hall and one of the most popular and free visit.

- Hyde park  :It is one of the best known parks and large, which is divided by the Serpentine lake is free.

- Camdem town : is a neighborhood located in the city of Camden and free.

- Houses of Parliament:  It parliament in London, it's free.

Londres - 10 sitios que tienes que ver


El 13 de novembre , era un  diumenge, vam anar a Vilanova de Meià, aprofitant que era la Fira de la Perdiu, per vendre xocolata desfeta amb melindros, no ens va anar gaire bé , ja que el temps no ens va acompanyar i a la gent no li va venir de gust.  Podies agafar la xocolata amb els melindros, o si volies una cosa sola. 

Resultado de imagen de xocolat desfeta amb melindros

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Hem elegit aquest lloc, (Londres), a travès d'una votació de tot el curs, primer vam dir llocs de la Unió Europea , que ens agradaria anar:
  1. - Londres
  2. -Praga
  3. -Amsterdam
  4. - Edinsburgh 
Amsterdam va se eliminat de les propostes per el tema de les drogues, ja que es molt fàcil obtenir-les. Vam apuntar les propostes a la pisarra, i va començar la votació . Va guanyar Londres per majoria.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

El dia 30 ( al matí ) i el 31 ( a la tarda ), els alumnes de 4rt Eso de l'INS ELS PLANELLS, vam vendre castanyes a la plaça de l'Ajuntament. Per atraure als més petits vam  ballar i cantar la cançó de la castanyera. Vam fer una bona feina , ens va agaradar i ens ho vam passar molt bé. Una experiència única.